Colwood Craft

Explore our curated collection of woodworking and crafting projects. Shop for unique, handcrafted items to enhance your space, or delve into our blogs for fresh ideas and expert advice.

Colwood Blogs

Sell Your Work

Embark on your journey of turning your hand-crafted items into a thriving business. These posts include helpful guides and resources for those interested in selling their work.

How To’s

In this blog collection I provide how-to’s on a variety of projects with detailed instructions for doing it yourself. Step by step instructions with info on the tools and techniques used.

Intro to Woodworking

Are you an aspiring woodworker looking to learn something new? In this collection I’ll provide resources to help to master the craft or refresh your memory on past skills!

Latest Videos

Personalized Gifts

Check out Colwood Custom, your destination for high-quality, personalized gifts. Our expertly crafted, laser-engraved items are perfect for celebrating life’s special moments. Whether you’re looking for a unique birthday present, a memorable wedding gift, or a customized holiday decoration, we have something for every occasion.

Nightstand Book Holder

Tired of losing where you are at in your book? Unimpressed with the paper bookmarks you get from the library? Time to upgrade to the beautiful handcrafted night stand book holder. When you are done reading, simply place the book on the stand, easily saving your place for when you return!